Integrate linux-imx-kuk/add_pconxs_5.15.5
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-imx-kuk@baafbb4e
dts: Replaced imx8mp and imx8mp-pinfunc
Replaced imx8mp-pinfunc.h and imx8mp.dtsi with the files provided with the 5.15 kernel.
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-imx-kuk@29cb78fb
dts: Fixed subdir in Makefile
Our devicetrees reside in the seconorth sub-directory.
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-imx-kuk@29f05d7f
dts: Added missing include and edited Makefile
Added missing devicetree include and added the new devicetrees to the Makefile.
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-imx-kuk@99eb8579
dt: Added devicetrees for pConXS and Trizeps 8 Plus
The devicetrees and includes have been copied from the linux-5.10.9-guf branch.