Integrate linux-guf/NALLINO_add_keypad_gpios
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-guf@30adc80b
arm: dts: Add muxing for ecSPI on NALLINO
Prepare the use of the SPI interface on the keypad. Add the pin muxing and the ecspi node, however leave the status "disabled". The default mode for the corresponding keypad pins is GPIO.
BCS 746-000993
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-guf@f7a96c37
arm: dts: Nallino: Add keypad GPIO names
Add the names for the keypad GPIOs. By default thse should be muxed as GPIO (inputs). By using the gpiod tooling it should be possible to make use of them.
BCS 746-000993