Integrate meta-guf-distro/convert_overrides
gitlab-ci: Updated CI/CD to newest version
wireguard: Fixed wrong bbappend
The bbappend doesn't match the current version of wireguard anymore. Fixed to general bbappend.
gfi2c: Remove DATE to get a reproducible build
Nowadays, Yocto aims to provide reproducible builds and activates corresponding compiler checks. These break the build of gfi2c. Remove the DATE macro from the sources to fix the warning and thus fix the build.
branches: Added missing branches from SRC_URI
Bitbake throws a warning in recent versions, when no branch is given for a git repository. Added the default master branches to the recipes.
ltp: Re-add libltp as public static lib
Our consuming guf-ltp-tests test suite depends on ltp and relies on the libltp.a being exported as a public static library. This is no longer the case for the upstream ltp package. It can be simply turned on using the patch supplied.
libinput: Remove duplicate patch already fixed upstream
Under certain conditions libinput created duplicate device entries and thus broke our touch system. This is now fixed upstream and we can remove the patch and the bbappend file.
kirkstone: Remove gcc bbappend
Since honister and gcc11 it seems not necessary to include the "Fix-argument-list-too-long-error.patch" anymore. Remove the patch and the bbappend as well.
dhclient: Remove dhcp bbappend
With commit dhcp was removed inf favor of dhcpd. Resemble this removal.
Currently, we do not have a replacement configured.
recipes: Fixed wrong OVERRIDES
layer: Updated layer.conf to Kirkstone
overrides: Auto conversion of OVERRIDES
ci: Switched to Kirkstone CI/CD