Integrate meta-guf-machine/integrate/gitlab-ci/revert-trigger-pipeline
Integrate gitlab-ci/revert-trigger-pipeline and 4 more
deploy_gitlab_ci: revert trigger pipeline on integration branch
Explicitly triggering a pipeline in the target repository does not work easily from this place because we would have to distinguish between the manifest (which uses branch pipelines) and the sub-projects (which use merge request pipelines). This separation should not be hard-coded here, so we move the decision whether or not to run a pipeline to the .gitlab-ci.yml file of the target. Reverting these two commits:
63279799336fa99bb8bbb908084017173ed44802 deploy_gitlab_ci: trigger pipeline only if it has not run before
dfc6204abcdfce7f7ee51ee2127500f8aecfaafa deploy_gitlab_ci: trigger pipeline on integration branch
md5: Fixed invalid encoding in open
deploy_gitlab_ci: trigger pipeline only if it has not run before
wait_until_merge_status_is_set: always query merge request
The function used to rely on the given merge request object without checking its current state. If the given object was not in one of the "unchecked" states, it returned immediately. The state, however, could have changed between its last query and the call of this function, so it now checks the state first before deciding anything.
deploy_gitlab_ci: trigger pipeline on integration branch