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Integrate meta-guf-machine/add_santino-lt

Tobias Kahlki requested to merge integrate/meta-guf-machine/add_santino-lt into dunfell


imx6guf:linux-guf: Disable CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK

SANTINO-LT is the first G&F iMX6 platform that uses a different UART debug port, UART5 instead of UART2. It is not possible to use both port settings together with early printk. Even though this is unfortunate, we do not need the early printk feature enabled in production so diable it here.

CONFIG_VT_HW_CONSOLE_BINDING and CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGERS are still due to default dependencies.

BCS 746-000428



imx6guf: Add SANTINO-LT

Add SANTINO-LT support by adding the device tree blobs to the deployment.

BCS 746-000428

Merge request reports
