Integrate linux-imx-kuk/fix_de_dts
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-imx-kuk@0034e557
arm64:dts:de: Fix OTG for dwc3_0 of Trizeps VIII Plus and DE
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-imx-kuk@923e80d8
arm64:dts:tr8p: Clean-up the USB VBUS nodes
- The "vbus-power-source" key isn't supported by the driver. For connecting the VBUS regulator to the PHY, the "vbus-supply" key has to be used.
- Clean-up the VBUS enable pinctrl definition
Commit: seco-ne/kernel/linux-imx-kuk@a07a3302
arm64:dts:de: The CTS/RTS of UART2 collides with the I2C_6 signals
The trizeps8plus.dts has changed and now uses CTS/RTS per default in the pinctrl. This provokes a collision with the I2C_6 of the DE. Override the pinctrl and disable RTS/CTS for UART2 again.