Integrate meta-seconorth-machine/tr8mp-no-mcu
Commit: seco-ne/yocto/layers/meta-seconorth-machine@c0a15e5e
seco-mx8mp: kernel: Configure few overlays to be tested during build
oelint: Small changes to follow oelint rules.
Commit: seco-ne/yocto/layers/meta-seconorth-machine@ee8e5483
bootscript: mx8mp: Add features.scr to detect MCU on TVIII+ and apply overlay.
Commit: seco-ne/yocto/layers/meta-seconorth-machine@5157b169
machine:mx8mp: Add overlay for Trizeps VIII Plus without MCU
From V1R5 on it is possible to not populate the MCU on the module. The gpios controling the WIFI are changed in the case.