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gfxml2dto: Add the gfxml2dto tool

Jonas Höppner requested to merge clemens.terasa/gfxml2dto into dunfell

To convert the Garz & Fricke specific XML files to the more general Device Tree overlay files a tool is needed.

This tool is called gfxml2dto. It is capable of reading the G&F XML file (by default located in /etc/shared/config.xml) and converting some of the parts to device tree overlay blobs.

These blobs together with a base device tree can be used to generate a system specific device tree. The base device tree needs to be created including the symbols. (This is achieved by using the "-@" flag when using the dtc tool.)

We currently have no versioning applied to gfxml2dto.

Add this gfxml2dto to the MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS to install it in images using this machine layer.

Merge request reports