- Aug 14, 2020
Jonas Höppner authored
* Allow usage of commandline from bootloader * Adapt the default commandline: ** Remove earlyprintk, should be used for debug only
Jonas Höppner authored
* Remove unused lines * Added bootscript to machine essential rdepends This way the inclusion into the image and the recipe live in the same layer
- Aug 13, 2020
Clemens Terasa authored
We want to overlay the device tree in the install script. Thus we can create a device specific device tree with the generic name "devicetree.dtb". This removes the neccessary pacthing of the boot.cfg. However, currently we cannot load the devicetree with the bootloader and thus append the device tree to the kernel at installation time and name the resulting binary "linuximage".
Clemens Terasa authored
Add the bootscript from current rocko commit ad543879 with following modifications: - Move imx6guf to san and imx6ullguf to nallino - Remove the "inherit release" as the release is not supported right now The bootscript recipe builds but does not output the correct script yet.
Clemens Terasa authored
The variables IMAGE_BOOT_FILES and IMAGE_FSTYPES are less machine dependent and are more distro options. Thus move them to meta-guf-distro. Also edit the README accordingly.
Clemens Terasa authored
The ordinary kernel.bbclass should implement all necessary dependencies needed to build the linux kernel. I tried to remove the build dependencies and it worked for me, thus remove the unneccessary dependencies.
Clemens Terasa authored
Normally teh device tree blobs will be built without symbols like the aliases that may be used like references. However, the overlay method relies on the fact that the symbols are present in the devcie tree to be overlayed. This can be eigther achieved by using a textual representation of the devcie tree or by additional symbols in the device tree blob. Introduce the latter, so that we can use the device tree blob as overlay basis.
Norman Stetter authored
* disable TIMER_CONTROL register TD[1:0] bit configuration in PCF8563 driver probe since we use that bits for bootselect
Norman Stetter authored
* Pull the rtc-pcf8563.c source from the kernel-tree at v5.4.23 (bfe3046ecafdd71ba6932deebe2eb357048b7bfc) * Remove the in-tree driver from the defconfig * Add the module to the MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS for san* and nallino platforms
- Jul 25, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
- increased U-Boot boot delay to 3 seconds to be able to interrupt the bootloader properly with 'ESC' as configured
Carsten Behling authored
- add a first NALLINO configuration to allow U-Boot build ('bitbake u-boot')
Carsten Behling authored
- allow our linux-stable-5.4 kernel also to be build for NALLINO
Carsten Behling authored
- added U-Boot for NALLINO taken from GUF-Yocto-rocko-9.2.0-IMXULLGUF-bsp
- Jul 01, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
- update to new kernel version - USB support - thernet support - audio support
- Jun 09, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
- added documentation for running basic tests
Carsten Behling authored
- use new kernel version with all I2C devices present for testing on 400 kHz bus rate
- Jun 07, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
- cleaned up machine config to be able to add more boards later
Carsten Behling authored
- use new kernel with SIS9255 touch support and updated kernel's defconfig
Carsten Behling authored
- added vpu firmware to 'linux-firmware' with an bbappend file that is a much cleaner solution than an extra package
- May 25, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
refs #41059: BSP/SDK: changed rootfs image archive type to 'tar.bz' since FlashNGo tar doesn't support 'tar.xz'
Carsten Behling authored
refs #41059: BSP/SDK: changed rootfs image archive type to 'tar.bz' since FlashNGo tar doesn't support 'tar.xz'
- May 24, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
- updated kernel version that know comes with a working display
- May 11, 2020
Clemens Terasa authored
This layer will become the machine only layer and thus will not define the distro. Thus remove the distro (but move it to the meta-guf-distro layer).
Clemens Terasa authored
In order to divide the meta-guf layer into -machine and -distro layers we need to pull out machine specific packages into the machine description. Add the firmware package to the MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS to build and install it. See also: https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS
- May 08, 2020
Norman Stetter authored
Norman Stetter authored
* Split layer into meta-guf-machine and meta-guf-distro
- May 07, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
- added first compilable Qt 5.14.1 stack on top of Wayland/using the Wayland backend of Qt5 - it's nearly the same stack from the Zeus evaluation on Wandboard DL with the following exceptions: - 'qt5everywheredemo' did not compile, removed for now, will later be added - 'qtopcua' did not compile, removed for now, will later be added - the important points here are: - the distro config has to set explicitely eglfs support on qtbase package, otherwise configure does not set the correct GL flags and complains about that - the distro config has to set explicitely gstreamer support on qtmultimedia, otherwise configure does not include gstreamer support
- May 05, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
Carsten Behling authored
- added GPU test programs - added Weston OS initialization
Carsten Behling authored
- added GStreamer to the OS image
Carsten Behling authored
- added Big Bug Bunny test video trailer for VPU verification
Carsten Behling authored
- added SDMA and VPU firmware from https://github.com/armbian/firmware/raw/master/
Carsten Behling authored
- update kernel to new head
Carsten Behling authored
- set kernel recipe to crurrent HEAD of GUF linux-stable - set kernel defconfig to current guf_imx_v6_v7_defconfig - with appended device tree enabled - with default kernel command line
- Apr 28, 2020
Carsten Behling authored
issue #41059: Kernel Build: removed the GUF support patch, which is obsolete now since we use the kernel from our Git repository now
Carsten Behling authored
issue #41059: Kernel Build: removed dead code in kernel recipe and the GUF support patch, which is obsolete now since we use the kernel from our Git repository now
- Apr 27, 2020
Clemens Terasa authored
The GuF linux kernel port is currently hosted on a private gitlab account. It is accessable via git://git@gitlab.com/guf-yocto/stable.git Thus modify the SRC_URI to fetch from the gitlab repository. Keep in mind that you need access to the repository using SSH PKI.
Clemens Terasa authored
The guf setup uses the Dunfell codebase (Yocto version 3.1). This should be refelcted with the DISTO_VERSION variable.
- Apr 26, 2020