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Flash-N-Go System: Allow to specify root password

Dmitry Petrov requested to merge kirkstone-fngs-disable-autologin into kirkstone

This is a part of the solution for the "[746-000389] Flash-N-Go System: Implement "disable auto login", specify "password"" task.

This MR, addresses a following sub-task: "Look into initab (or similar) to disable the autologin".
This is achieved by reverting commit "fngsystem:autologin: Implement autologin for sysvinit bases fngsystem" (7d9d46d3).

It has been already verified that login shell works when SHA512 hash in /etc/passwd are used.

But to address the remaining sub-task: "merge /etc/shared/passwd_fngsystem into /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow", SECO should provide an example of /etc/shared/passwd_fngsystem file and tell a password for some user.

Merge request reports