Add logrotate configuration
Added logrotate per request after investigation of "746-001457 logrotate: Verify that log files in tmpfs do no fill the RAM during long runtimes"
Added logrotate configuration for Nginx package. Logrotate package by itself provides configuration for /var/log/utmp and /var/log/wtmp.
Some notes:
- logrotate is run once a day (after midnight)
- utmp and btmp are rotated once a month
- nginx logs are rotated based on size
- rotation is done by copying log to a separate file (and compressing it for nginx) without reducing the rotated log size, so it may not free up space, if log did manage to eat all of it
- I
ve created MR to distro layer, as it looked like a place for it, but it won
t get to Edgehog builds in this case.