gitlab-ci Repository
This repository contains GitLab CI scripts for Yocto infrastructure tasks, e.g. automatic integration of project changes into the manifest. It is meant to be included into all relevant Yocto repositories as a git submodule.
The GitBot user
Most scripts inside this repository need a personal GitLab access token of
a user with access to all relevant repositories (manifest and all contained
projects) in order to work correctly.
We have created the @gitbot user for this task. The login credentials for it are
stored in our KeePass safe. These should not be needed, though, as the user
is member of the seco-ne
group and thus already has access to all group
projects. However, everyone can add the user as a member to every project he has
access to, if needed.
The personal access token of the @gitbot is provided via the CI environment
for all projects in the seco-ne
group (set in the
group's CI/CD settings under "Variables").
Automatic manifest integration
See this chapter for information on how the automatic integration process works:
▶ Automatic manifest integration
See this chapter for information on how to deploy changes in the gitlab-ci
repository to all repositories that are using it.
Manifest pipeline
See this chapter for the pipeline runnning in the manifest repository to build the images.
Add new project to be handled by the pipeline
See this chapter for the steps needed to setup a new project using the pipeline.