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Add deploy stage

Tobias Poganiuch requested to merge add-deploy-stage into master

The jobs in the deploy stage have to be triggered manually in GitLab. There is one deploy job for each project which uses the gitlab-ci scripts as a submodule, so that the deployment can be performed step by step.

If executed within MR context, an integration MR is created and left open. The user can extend this integration MR, e.g. if CI scripts have been renamed, changed command line arguments or other changes requiring updates of the correspronding .gitlab-ci.yml file. Subsequent runs of this job will re-create the integration branch, so manual changes are lost in this case.

If executed on the master branch (i.e. after the source MR has been merged), the job does exactly the same, plus the integration MR will be automatically merged. If this fails, the job will fail as well.

Edited by Tobias Poganiuch

Merge request reports