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Make sure to get all items on Gitlab list() calls

Tim Jaacks requested to merge get-all-items-in-gitlab-list-calls into master

The list() call on Gitlab classes uses pagination per default. If the number of items exceeds a certain limit, we only get a part of the results. We can pass "all=True" to the calls in order to disable pagination and get all results. If we're looping over the items, though, the recommended way of getting them is to use a generator object, which works calling list() with "as_list=False". See documentation for reference:

Note: the "as_list" argument is deprecated in newer versions of the python-gitlab library, in favor of the newer "iterator=True": We are using v2.10.1 of the library, though, so this commit also updates calls using the new way, which is not working with our version.

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