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  • seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci
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......@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ yamllint:
# gitlab-ci
GitLab CI scripts
This repository contains scripts for Yocto infrastructure tasks, e.g. automatic
integration of project changes into the manifest. It is meant to be included into all
relevant Yocto repositories as a [git submodule][1].
## Deploy changes into all projects using 'gitlab-ci' as submodule
The gitlab-ci repo is integrated into the other related projects as submodule and as
reference in their .gitlab-ci.yml file. Both references need to be updated when a
change in the repo should be deployed to the projects using it.
To achieve the the CI pipeline is setup to update all these projects in one run.
The submodule *must not* be updated manually, but the CI needs some manual steps
to do the deployment.
As this repo contains all the CI code some extra care is needed not to break the
whole thing. To allow testing the CI, before everything is merged into the yocto
pipeline a special set of test projects is available in the ci-test group.
### The workflow to deploy a change
* Commit and push change to the gitlab-ci repo, create a Merge Request
* The pipeline checks syntax and so on in the Analyze stage
* The Integrate stage allows testing the change in the complete setup
There are two possible integrate steps, one to deploy the change into Merge Request in
the ci-test group, the other is for the productive yocto setup.
* When the integrate stage has run, a build is started in the related manifest projects
* In all projects there are now integration branches created, named
'integrate/gitlab-ci/<gitlab-ci branch name>'
These could be used to add additional changes if needed. But the should only happen
in very special cases.
* If everything is OK until here, (build OK, CI works as expected ...)
the change can be merged into the main branch of gitlab-ci.
*This only adds the patch to the gitlab-ci repo's main branch, the reference
in the projects using this are not yet updated*
* After the merge a new pipeline is created. In this pipeline there are two
manual jobs: 'merge-ci-test' and 'merge-yocto'
These jobs update the reference in the project groups 'ci-test' and 'yocto'.
This is split up to allow more testing in cases where the CI changes can only
be tested when working on the master branch.
* When the behaviour of the CI on the master branch may be effected of the change
only 'merge-ci-test' should be executed.
After this some tests may be done on the ci-test projects.
Probably you want to create a commit in minimal-foo, create a merge-request,
check the running pipeline, and merge it.
After that, check if the merge is succesfull and the manifest is updated as
* When everything is working the 'merge-yocto' pipeline can be executed, to
deploy the change to the productive projects.
* When the tests on 'ci-test' have failed, just create a new patch fixing the
issue in the gitlab-ci repo and do the testing again.
## Providing `GITBOT_TOKEN`
The scripts need a [personal GitLab access token][2] of a user with access to all
relevant repositories (manifest and all contained projects) in order to work correctly.
We have created the @guf-gitbot user for this task. Norman and Tim know the login
credentials for it. These should not be needed, though, as the user is member of the
[Garz & Fricke][3] group and thus already has access to all group projects. However,
everyone can add the user as a member to every project he has access to, if needed.
The personal access token of the @guf-gitbot user has to be provided on each repository
via the CI environment variable `GITBOT_TOKEN` (set under project's settings -> CI/CD
-> Variables). Its value can be read on projects which already have this variable
## Workflow to add a repository to SRCREV.conv for reproducible bitbake builds
Some bitbake recipes are set to `SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"`. To enable reproducible
builds, the current revision is written to the SRCREV.conf file. This file is
part of the manifest repo, which is used for release tags. This workflow adds
the a gitlab pipeline to the project that automatically sets the current
version in the SRCREV.conf file.
1. Add the gitlab-ci repo as submodule to the project by using the correct relative path\
`git submodule add ../../yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci .gitlab-ci`
1. Add an approriate .gitlab-ci.yml file. For example, copy it from the repository
[egalxi2c][4]. Modify the following variables in the file:
* MASTER\_BRANCH\_PROJECT: Set the project master branch
* BB\_RECIPE\_NAME: Set the name of the bitbake recipe
1. Create a corresponding entry in the SRCREV.conf file of the manifest repo\
`SRCREV_pn-<bitbake-recipe> = "<current-commit-hash>"`
1. Add the project into the gitlab-ci project's .gitlab-ci.yml, so changes to the
CI are deployed into the new project.
**Repository settings**
1. Verify that the merge strategy is set to *Fast-forward merge*
(General -> Merge requests -> Merge method)
1. Enable the CI/CD functionality for the repository
(General -> Visibility, project features, permissions -> CI/CD)
1. Check that the default branch is protected and that *Maintainers + Developers*
are allowed to merge (Repository -> Protected branches)
This repository contains **GitLab CI scripts** for Yocto infrastructure tasks,
e.g. automatic integration of project changes into the manifest. It is meant to
be included into all relevant Yocto repositories as a [git submodule][1].
## The GitBot user
Most scripts inside this repository need a [personal GitLab access token][2] of
a user with access to all relevant repositories (manifest and all contained
projects) in order to work correctly.
We have created the @gitbot user for this task. The login credentials for it are
stored in our [KeePass][3] safe. These should not be needed, though, as the user
is member of the [`seco-ne`][4] group and thus already has access to all group
projects. However, everyone can add the user as a member to every project he has
access to, if needed.
The personal access token of the @gitbot is provided via the CI environment
variable `GITBOT_TOKEN` for all projects in the `seco-ne` group (set in the
[group's CI/CD settings][5] under "Variables").
## Automatic manifest integration
See this chapter for information on how the automatic integration process works:
[Automatic manifest integration][6]
[6]: docs/
## Deployment
See this chapter for information on how to deploy changes in the `gitlab-ci`
repository to all repositories that are using it.
[gitlab-ci Deployment][7]
[7]: docs/
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Simple changelog generator for Garz&Fricke gitlab projects.
Queries merge request from gitlab and outputs as sorted list in
markdown format.
Releases are tags on the given branch in the manifest project.
Changes to list are merged mergerequests with the given branch
as target. Match with releases is done by the timestamp (merged_at)
in comparison with the tags timestamp.
import argparse
import datetime
import logging
import sys
import gitlab as gl
__author__ = "Jonas Höppner"
__email__ = ""
# ID of the guf_yocto group
GITLAB_TIMEFORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z"
TIMEFORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
verbose = 0
def decode_timestamp(t):
timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, GITLAB_TIMEFORMAT)
return timestamp
class Project:
def __init__(self, project):
self.project = project
def __str__(self):
return "## Project " + + "\n"
def withlink(self):
return (
"\n\n## Project [" + + "](" + self.project.web_url + ")\n"
def __eq__(self, p):
if not p:
return False
return ==
class Tag:
def __init__(self, tag): =
self.message = tag.message
self.commit = tag.commit
The tags timestamp is a little more complicated it normally points
to the tagged commit's timestamps. But the merge happens later.
To handle this, the relelated mergerequest is found by comparing the
sha's and also take the merged_at timestamp.
self.timestamp = decode_timestamp(tag.commit["created_at"])
The mr which introduced the taged commit
as gitlab-python does not support the V5 API yet
this is added later when traversing the mrs anyway
with V5 Api:
self.mergerequest = None
logging.debug( + " -- " + self.commit["id"])
def __str__(self):
return + " " + self.timestamp.strftime(TIMEFORMAT)
def add_mergerequest(self, m):
if self.mergerequest:
if == self.commit["id"]:
self.mergerequest = m
# Update timestamp
# The tag points to the commit, but the merge of the merge request may has happend later
# as the commit, so the merged_at date is relevant. Otherwise the tagged commit and may be
# more end up in the wrong release
new_timestamp = decode_timestamp(
logging.debug("Found matching merge request for %s", self)
logging.debug(" - %s", self.timestamp.strftime(TIMEFORMAT))
logging.debug(" - %s", new_timestamp.strftime(TIMEFORMAT))
self.timestamp = new_timestamp
def header(self):
return (
"\n\n\n# Release "
+ "\n\nreleased at "
+ self.timestamp.strftime(TIMEFORMAT)
+ "\n\n"
class DummyTag:
def __init__(
self, name, message,
): = name
self.message = message
self.timestamp = date
def header(self):
return "\n\n\n# " + + "\n\n"
def add_mergerequest(self, m):
# Needed as interface but does nothing
class Release:
"""Store some release data"""
def __init__(self, tag):
self.tag = tag
self.mergerequests = []
def add_mergerequest(self, m):
# Check if this merge_request is related to the tag
# Adds a mergerequest to the project, but uses some filtering
# Ignore automated merge requests
if["username"] == "guf-gitbot":
return False
if["username"] == "gitbot":
return False
# With the movement to the MRs owned by
# the guf-gitbot have been transfered to tobias
# As it is not possible to change the owner back
# to gitbot we need an extra filter here on the
# branch name
return False
# Timestamp is not in this release
if self.tag.timestamp < m.timestamp:
return False
# Remove duplicates, don't print the same title
# twice in the same project and release
if any( == and a.project == m.project
for a in self.mergerequests
return True
return True
def header(self):
return self.tag.header()
def description(self):
m = self.tag.message
if not m:
return ""
return m
def __str__(self):
class MergeRequest:
def __init__(self, mr, p): = mr
self.project = p
self.timestamp = decode_timestamp(
def __str__(self):
def withlink(self):
out = + " [" + + "](" + + ")"
return out
def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, usage="%(prog)s [OPTIONS]")
help="""URL to the GitLab instance""",
help="""GitLab REST API private access token""",
help=("Specify the branch to work on, default is dunfell."),
help=("Increase verbosity."),
options = parser.parse_args(args)
if options.verbose:
gitlab = gl.Gitlab(options.gitlab_url, private_token=options.token)
# Speed up, complete project lookup takes much longer
# then specifying the ID directly
distro = Project(gitlab.projects.get(DISTRO_PROJECT_ID))
machine = Project(gitlab.projects.get(MACHINE_PROJECT_ID))
manifest = Project(gitlab.projects.get(MANIFEST_PROJECT_ID))
releases = []
for t in manifest.project.tags.list(search=options.branch):
# Add dummy release with date today for new untaged commits
"Not yet released",
"Merged Request already merged into "
+ options.branch
+ " but not yet released.",
# Sort by date, oldest first
releases = sorted(releases, key=lambda d: d.tag.timestamp, reverse=False)
for p in [manifest, distro, machine]:
for mr in p.project.mergerequests.list(
scope="all", state="merged", target_branch=options.branch, per_page="10000"
m = MergeRequest(mr, p)
for r in releases:
if r.add_mergerequest(m):
# Sort by date, newest first
releases = sorted(releases, key=lambda d: d.tag.timestamp, reverse=True)
for r in releases:
# Don't show empty releases/tags
if not len(r.mergerequests):
current_project = None
for m in r.mergerequests:
if m.project != current_project:
current_project = m.project
print(" - ", m.withlink())
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def main():
project_integration = {}
# Update submodule in all 'child' project
for p in args.projects:
print("Create integration commit is: %s", p)
print("Create integration commit in", p)
res = integrate_submodule_into(
gitlab, p, args.submodule, args.revision, args.branch
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def main():
if res["commit"] is not None:
project_integration[p] = res
print("Create integration commit in: %s", args.project)
print("Create integration commit in", args.project)
# Update submodule in manifest project
manifest_project = integrate_submodule_into(
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ def main():
source_mr = mrs[0]
for p in args.projects:
for p in project_integration:
integration = project_integration[p]
logging.debug("Create MR in %s", integration["project"].name)
mr = create_integration_merge_request(
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\ No newline at end of file

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# Automatic manifest integration
- [Defined source code state](#defined-source-code-state)
- [Integrating project changes](#integrating-project-changes)
- [Merging project changes](#merging-project-changes)
- [Adding a new project to SRCREV.conf](#adding-a-new-project-to-srcrevconf)
## Defined source code state
### Manifest
Our [Yocto manifest][1] contains a list of projects which are used to build our
Yocto distribution. A simplified version of the manifest file [`default.xml`][2]
(here containing only two projects) would look something like this:
Each project is listed with a **name**, a local **path** where the [repo][3]
tool will clone the source code to, and a fixed git **revision**. We do not use
a branch name here in order to have a defined, taggable manifest state at all
### External source repositories used by BitBake
Some bitbake recipes are set to `SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"`. To enable reproducible
builds, the revision for these recipes is written to the `SRCREV.conf` file.
This file is also part of the manifest repo and looks something like this:
SRCREV_pn-libmdb = "1442894df13d9b290cfb5d97183eb9a96c8e4eba"
SRCREV_pn-egalaxi2c = "d2dfb014e8c2ed36801bd020894d8306f02ff146"
SRCREV_pn-xconfig = "0fc1ea45b55e729d551bb7d40dd25fbde02ee1b6"
Each project is listed with its bitbake **recipe name** after `SRCREV_PN-` and
the fixed git **revision**.
## Integrating project changes
Everytime a developer pushes a change to one of the projects contained in the
manifest or in the `SRCREV.conf` file, the project gets a new git revision. In
order to have this change integrated into the manifest, the according `revision`
attribute has to be updated. This process has been automated as part of our **CI
pipeline** and runs automatically as soon as a **merge request is created**:
![Project merge request pipeline](project-mr-pipeline.png)
The pipeline consists of three jobs:
1. **Integrate**
Create an integration branch on the manifest and update the project revision
on it.
2. **Build**
Trigger a build on the integration branch, which contains the change.
This uses GitLab's [multi-project pipeline][4] functionality, which adds a
separate *Downstream* pipeline running on the manifest repository (seen on
the right).
3. **Check**
Check if the integration branch is up to date with the current manifest
master (see ["Retrigger" job below][5] for why this is necessary).
See the following diagram for a visualization of this process:
![Create layer merge request](create-layer-mr.svg)
Browse existing project merge requests (e.g. [here][6]) for real world examples
of this pipeline.
The above workflow makes project changes **buildable** and **testable** in the
full manifest environment **before merging them**. Actually we even prevent the
project merge requests from being merged unless the pipeline has run
[5]: #merging-project-changes
## Merging project changes
As soon as a pushed project change is ready to be merged (i.e. the pipeline has
successfully run on the merge request), a developer can merge it. This triggers
a **pipeline** with only a **single job**:
![Project master pipeline](project-master-pipeline.png)
1. **Merge**
Create a merge request on the manifest, which merges the project integration
branch into the master branch, and merge it.
This will however automatically trigger **another pipeline** on the **manifest
master branch**, since there is a new commit now:
![Manifest master pipeline](manifest-master-pipeline.png)
This pipeline consists of two jobs:
1. **Retrigger**
Retrigger the *"Check"* job on all open merge requests of all projects
contained in the manifest. This will invalidate the pipeline on these merge
requests. The manifest has a new commit now, so the already completed
pipelines on the open merge requests have run on a now outdated manifest
2. **Build**
Check if a build has already run for this commit. This is usually true,
because every merge request triggers a complete build. If so, just mirror
the build result from there.
There are corner cases however in which no pipeline has run in the merge
request, e.g. when two project merge requests from different projects are
merged simultaneously. In this case, perform a complete build on the commit.
See the following diagram for a visualization of this process:
![Merge layer merge request](merge-layer-mr.svg)
Browse existing manifest merge requests (e.g. [here][7]) for real world examples
of this pipeline.
## Adding a new project to SRCREV.conf
This workflow adds a gitlab pipeline to a project which automatically updates
the git revision in the `SRCREV.conf` file on project changes.
#### Source code
1. Add the gitlab-ci repo as submodule to the project by using the correct
relative path:\
`git submodule add ../../yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci .gitlab-ci`
2. Add an approriate `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. For example, copy it from the
repository [egalxi2c][8]. Modify the following variables in the file:
* `MASTER_BRANCH_PROJECT`: Set the project master branch
* `BB_RECIPE_NAME`: Set the name of the bitbake recipe
3. Create a corresponding entry in the `SRCREV.conf` file of the manifest repo:\
`SRCREV_pn-<bitbake-recipe> = "<current-commit-hash>"`
4. Add the project into the gitlab-ci project's `.gitlab-ci.yml`, so changes to
the CI are deployed into the new project.
#### Repository settings
1. Verify that the merge strategy is set to *Fast-forward merge*
(General -> Merge requests -> Merge method)
2. Enable the CI/CD functionality for the repository
(General -> Visibility, project features, permissions -> CI/CD)
3. Check that the default branch is protected and that *Maintainers +
Developers* are allowed to merge (Repository -> Protected branches)
<mxfile host="" modified="2022-05-10T15:50:28.875Z" agent="5.0 (Windows)" etag="tZCYtCye2vNUvOPvtp5c" version="17.4.6" type="device"><diagram id="fUzyECxa7j4ng1UTdmFO" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>
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# `gitlab-ci` deployment
## Deploy changes into all projects using 'gitlab-ci' as submodule
The gitlab-ci repo is integrated into the other related projects as a submodule
and as reference in their `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. Both references need to be
updated when a change in the repo shall be deployed to the projects using it.
To achieve this the CI pipeline is set up to update all these projects in one
run. The submodule *does not* need to be updated manually, but the CI needs some
manual steps to do the deployment.
As this repo contains all the CI code, some extra care is needed in order not to
break the whole thing. To allow testing the CI before everything is merged into the Yocto pipeline, a sandbox environment in the form of a set of test projects is
available in the [ci-test group][1].
## Workflow to deploy a change
* Commit and push change to the gitlab-ci repo, create a merge request.
* The pipeline checks syntax and other stuff in the *Analyze* stage.
* The *Integrate* stage allows testing the change in the complete setup.
There are two possible integrate steps, one to deploy the change into Merge
Request in the *ci-test* group, the other is for the *productive yocto* setup.
* When the integrate stage has run, a build is started in the related manifest
* In all projects there are now integration branches created, named
`integrate/gitlab-ci/<gitlab-ci branch name>`.
These could be used to add additional changes if needed. But that should only
happen in very special cases.
* If everything is OK until here, (build OK, CI works as expected ...)
the change can be merged into the main branch of gitlab-ci.
*This only adds the patch to the gitlab-ci repo's main branch, the reference
in the projects using this are not yet updated*
* After the merge a new pipeline is created. In this pipeline there are two
manual jobs: *'merge-ci-test'* and *'merge-yocto'*
These jobs update the reference in the project groups *'ci-test' *and
*'yocto'*. This is split up to allow more testing in cases where the CI
changes can only be tested when working on the master branch.
* When the behaviour of the CI on the master branch may be effected of the
change only *'merge-ci-test'* should be executed.
After this some tests may be done on the ci-test projects.
Probably you want to create a commit in *minimal-foo*, create a merge-request,
check the running pipeline, and merge it.
After that, check if the merge is succesfull and the manifest is updated as
* When everything is working the *'merge-yocto'* pipeline can be executed to
deploy the change to the productive projects.
* When the tests on *'ci-test'* have failed, just create a new patch fixing the
issue in the gitlab-ci repo and do the testing again.

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<mxfile host="" modified="2022-05-10T16:32:03.192Z" agent="5.0 (Windows)" etag="7UJfYfomj_BLGc_u5cve" version="17.4.6" type="device"><diagram id="fUzyECxa7j4ng1UTdmFO" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>
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......@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ variables:
# Default image and distro
CI_PARAM_IMAGE: guf-image
CI_PARAM_DISTRO: guf-wayland
# Flash-N-Go image and distro
# In the past, the buildfng job overwrote the image and distro itself.
# Because of the transition to the new seconorth names, the image and
# distro for the buildfng must be settable from outside of the job.
CI_PARAM_IMAGE_FNG: fngsystem-image
CI_PARAM_DISTRO_FNG: guf-fngsystem
......@@ -76,14 +83,7 @@ changelog:
extends: .infrastructure
IMAGE_PATH: ${CI_IMAGES_BASEPATH}/changelog-generator
IMAGE_REVISION: fe31a5ffe75b8f0dca697dd95ffb3f87af92d6d1
# set entrypoint to noop to be able to run from script
entrypoint: [""]
script: .gitlab-ci/
......@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ changelog:
- .buildimage
CI_PARAM_IMAGE: fngsystem-image
CI_PARAM_DISTRO: guf-fngsystem
extends: .infrastructure
......@@ -229,7 +229,11 @@ def update_submodule_and_include_ref(
ref_name=revision_range, retry_transient_errors=True
if not commits:
sys.exit("ERROR: no commits found in range %s" % revision_range)
"No commits found in range %s, probably submodule already up-to-date.",
return None, None, None, None
logging.debug("New commits: %s", commits)
# Find out if top commit is part of a merge request