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Integrate gitlab-ci/rename-build-jobs-to-build-pipeline and 19 more

Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@f9dc2517

Rename "build jobs" to "build pipeline"


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@633c9fb4

get_pipeline_jobs: remove redundant job ID output


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@347745c5

download_job_artifacts: add error message if artifact not found


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@50f7396d

ci-test: re-enable build simulation caching

In 438f1e2aae23472d692ce6314e8c683f950657d2 we accidentally disabled caching for the build simulation by moving the cache definition to a job class. The order of inheritance led to the cache configuration being overwritten by the one of the "buildbase" class. Change inheritance order to fix this.


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@30f7d966

update_submodule: fix integration branch name in case of multiple MRs

When there are multiple open merge requests for a commit, we currently take the newest one to determine the integration branch name. This is not necessarily the correct one, we can have an open merge request with the commit being part of the commit history while the top commit is a different one.

Add a check if the commit is the top commit of the merge request in order to get the correct integration branch name in these cases.


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@438f1e2a

ci-test: use more recent release for build simulation


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@1c900bf9

Update docs/

Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@8854fd8f

download_job_artifacts: fix temp file creation

mkstemp() returns a tuple containing an OS-level handle to an open file (as would be returned by and the absolute pathname of that file, in that order.

Use higher-level function NamedTemporaryFile() instead.


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@151f1cd6

Refactoring: remove redundant if

See for reference:


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@872ec6d9

Refactoring: swap if and else branches

Move the main part of the action to the if branch.

See for reference:


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@c058236c

Sourcery: skip a certain suggestion for better readability


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@b9196ae5

Fix typo in comment


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@eba0649d

gitignore: add .vscode and convert line-endings to LF


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@876da56d

Refactoring: merge dictionary assignments

See for reference:


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@e8e3ff37

Refactoring: use single assignment for "if, else"

See for reference:


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@14eaf45a

Refactoring: inline immediately returned variables

See for reference:


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@f9096a52

Refactoring: use "{}" for creating an empty dictionary

This is the most concise and Pythonic way to create a dictionary.

See for reference:


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@a3baa39e

Refactoring: use list comprehensions

A list comprehension can create the list on one line, cutting out the clutter of declaring an empty list and then appending values.

See for reference:


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@52de8d7c

Refactoring: use dictionary comprehensions

A dictionary comprehension can create the dictionary on one line, cutting out the clutter of declaring an empty dict and then adding items.

See for reference:


Commit: seco-ne/yocto/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@5d09b9de

Refactoring: simplify length comparisons

Something we often do is check whether a list or sequence has elements before we try and do something with it.

A Pythonic way of doing this is just to use the fact that Python lists and sequences evaluate to True if they have elements, and False otherwise.

Doing it this way is a convention, set out in Python's PEP8 style guide.

See for reference:

Merge request reports