LTP i2c test: added min/max test and fixes (refs #34386)
Adaptions for SANVITO bit tests: * changed order of registers access for @i2c@ read/write test ** previous order (write A, read A, write B, read B) doesn't make any sense ** using (write A, write B, read A, read B), now, to also verifiy proper register addressing (no changes to test-parameters necessary for this modification) * added new read min/max-test to @i2c@ tool ** reads register A and compares result against min/max values, than are specified via new @-n (miN)@ and @-x (maX)@ parameters (no writes are performed, when these parameters are specified and reg-B parameters are ignored). ** can interpret read results of 8, 16, 24 or 32 bit length (with already existing @-l@ parameter ** can interpret read data as either big-endian (default) or little-endian value (using new @-e@ parameter) * Used new @i2c@ read min/max-tests in SANVITO @bit@ script to implement proper ambient and proximity tests Change-Id: I68c43f8c7d5a787113ef790a83d3348dcfc2e992 Reviewed-on: http://gfweb/gerrit/488
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