Marc-Oliver Westerburg authored
* renamed the "-v"-parameter to specify the value to be set/expected to "-e" instead to fix a parameter collision with "-v" for verbose output. * replace usage of "-v"-paramter in runtest files with new "-e"-paramter Change-Id: I9c31d2d3840ce9e1a1ba0baa1f5fecf76188fa5b
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# ----------- #
# This is a configuration file for the Garz & Fricke Built-In-Test Framework, #
# which is implemented using tests from the LTP. Thus, the configuration file #
# looks very similar to LTP configuration files and can actually be used by #
# LTP. However, it should not, since there are slight differences: #
# This file is divided into three sections: PREPARATION, TESTCASES and #
# CLEANUP. Each section contains lines beginning with a name and ending with #
# a command line. The command lines of the PREPARATION section are executed #
# once at the start of the execution. Then, the command lines of the TEST- #
# CASES section is looped for the given number of iterations. At the end, the #
# commands of the CLEANUP section are run once. #
Testimage_display FRAMEBUFFER=/dev/fb0 fbv -er /opt/ltp/images/guf_test_800x480.png < /dev/null
#Testimage_display /usr/share/qt5/examples/touch/fingerpaint/fingerpaint &
#Testimage_HDMI hdmiconfig unblank; hdmiconfig set 1920 1080 60 16; sleep 3; FRAMEBUFFER=/dev/fb2 fbv
#-er /opt/ltp/images/guf_test_800x480.png < /dev/null
MMC_umount for i in `mount | grep mmcblk1 | awk '{print $1}'`; do echo $i; done
#USB_stick_1_umount for i in `mount | grep sda | awk '{print $1}'`; do umount $i; done
#USB_stick_2_umount for i in `mount | grep sdb | awk '{print $1}'`; do umount $i; done
#USB_stick_3_umount for i in `mount | grep sdc | awk '{print $1}'`; do umount $i; done
Touchtest_remove_socket rm -f /touch_tst_socket
Touchtest_start touchmon -d -i /dev/input/event0 -s /touch_tst_socket -p 0
Network_eth0 ifconfig eth0 add
Network_eth1 ifconfig eth1 add
#Network_wlan0 iwconfig wlan0 txpower 18 && ifconfig wlan0 add
#Test_BT_server l2test -I 32768 -r -R
#GPIO1 gpio -g dig_out1 -d out -e 1 && gpio -g dig_in1 -d in -e 1 && gpio -g dig_out1 -d out -e 0 && gpio -g dig_in1 -d in -e 0
#GPIO2 gpio -g dig_out2 -d out -e 1 && gpio -g dig_in2 -d in -e 1 && gpio -g dig_out2 -d out -e 0 && gpio -g dig_in2 -d in -e 0
Temp lm73temp
#Flash_write_25kB fwrite -q -n /file25k -b 25000 -i 1
MMC_write_25kB bwrite -q -n /dev/mmcblk1 -b 25000 -i 1
#USB_stick_1_write_25kB bwrite -q -n /dev/sda -b 25000 -i 1
USB_stick_1_write_25kB fwrite -q -n /media/sda/testfile -b 25000 -d -i 1
#USB_stick_2_write_25kB bwrite -q -n /dev/sdb -b 25000 -i 1
USB_stick_2_write_25kB fwrite -q -n /media/sdb/testfile -b 25000 -d -i 1
#USB_stick_3_write_25kB bwrite -q -n /dev/sdc -b 25000 -i 1
#I2C i2c -q -d /dev/i2c-0 -s 0x68 -a 0x0a -b 0x0b -w 100 -i 150
Network_eth0 iptest -q -g -n 1 -w 50
Network_eth1 iptest -q -g -n 1 -w 50
#Network_wlan0 iptest -q -g -n 1 -w 1000
#Test_BT_client l2test -O 32768 -s 00:06:C6:4F:95:D4 -R -N 2
#Test_BT_ping l2ping -c 2 -s 640 -t 2 -v 00:22:43:E2:F4:25 >/tmp/l2ping-log && echo "l2ping 1 TPASS : " `grep loss /tmp/l2ping-log`
#Play_wave_file aplay /opt/ltp/runtest/ding_48kHz_16bit_m.wav
CAN can -n 2 -o 500
Serial0 serial -d /dev/ttymxc0 -q -b 115200 -fn -c 5 -s 1024 -o 300
Serial1 serial -d /dev/ttymxc1 -q -b 115200 -fn -c 5 -s 1024 -o 300
RS4854 serial -d /dev/ttymxc2 -q -b 115200 -fn -c 5 -s 1024 -o 300
Touch touchmon -z -r /touch_tst_socket
Wait sleep 1
Touchtest_stop touchmon -t -r /touch_tst_socket -q
Testimage_display_stop killall fingerpaint