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mx8mp: clk-composite-8m: Add workarround for media-disp clk with less allowed deviders

Tim Jaacks requested to merge trizeps8-media-disp-clk-workarround into linux-5.10.9-guf

Measured the pixelclock on the lvds interface the frequencies generated by media_dips2_pix clock do not match the calculated values by the driver. The driver selects a devider between 1 and 64 ( according to the ref manual) but the measured frequencies only end up with frequencies matching a devider from 1,7,14,21,35. This patch changes the selected of deviders to that list, so the frequency is rounded to a actually working frequency. Currently only media_disp1 and media_disp2 are affected by the patch, as we are not able to measure the clock outs directly, to see what the real cause is.

BCS 746-000495

Merge request reports