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Integrate meta-seco-edgehog/kirkstone/develop_add_id_service

Commit: yocto_ng/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog@e57d702c

[edgehog][runtime] Create config.toml with cloud info

The user can set the cloud configuration via the OS Configurator. This configuration is set in the configuration of the Edgehog Device Runtime and copied into the image.


Commit: yocto_ng/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog@c7acd870

[seco-setup] Fixed distro menuconfig

The selection of the graphical backend is a toggle not a multi-selection.


Commit: yocto_ng/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog@26365ff0

[edgehog][runtime] Clean-up of Edgehog Runtime recipe


Commit: yocto_ng/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog@9fa02116

[edgehog][runtime] Added Hardware ID Service

The Hardware ID Service takes a unique ID from the device (e.g. the serial number) and converts it into the Astarte Device ID.


Commit: yocto_ng/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog@a3a8ee7a

[boot][tanaro] Finished bootscript for the Tanaro

The bootscript for the Tanaro was still a work in progress. It is now fully compatible with the sysdata interface.

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