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Integrate gitlab-ci/deploy_fix and 4 more

Commit: edgehog/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@8d14225e

[ENV] Fix on setting of environment variable


Commit: edgehog/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@fda1d69e

[CHANGELOG] Modify script to accept project list

  • Instead of hardcoding the gitlab repository ID the script accepts a list of which the manifest project it the first element
  • Introduce CHANGELOG_PROJECTS variable containing the list of projects


Commit: edgehog/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@91939ce2

[UBOOT] Fix on uboot artifacts deploy

  • Fix name of uboot artifacts for all NXP boards
  • Create array of uboot files for c31 boards
  • The deploy search for all uboot artifacts in the build path
  • Create rule to not deploy artifacts to public container if a tag occurs


Commit: edgehog/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@ac0a3728

[CODE RESTYLE] Restyling of deploy and notify stages

  • The tasks to be executed by the deploy and notify jobs are moved to shell scripts inside the scripts folder
  • This avoid having a long list of instructions inside the pipeline file


Commit: edgehog/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@7d5e3bac

[NAME FIX] Fix of u-boot and kernel artifacts name

  • Fix on KERNEL variable for c31
  • Increase deploy job timeout to 1h

Merge request reports