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Integrate seco-base/davc/update

GitBot requested to merge integrate/seco-base/davc/update/into/kirkstone into kirkstone

Commit: seco-base@00023209

[CONFIGS][C12] Add configuration file for Embedded and Things flavors


Commit: seco-base@b674dfed

[SRCREV][SETUP-ENVIRONMENT] Add algorithm for SRCREV.conf selection

This addition considers the scenario in which also a custom layer, containing the MACHINE in use, is present. In this case may be happen that the SRCREV.conf file to use is stored inside that folder, so the first place in which the algorith searches the file is the custom layer; if the file is not present, the second place in which to look for is the architecture specific layer. This allows to fix the revision of some repositories directly into the custom layer.


Commit: seco-base@dba08b90

[CONFIGS][C43] Add configuration file for Embedded and Things flavors


Commit: seco-base@d8a46c3b

[CONFIGS][C26] Add configuration file for Embedded and Things flavors

Merge request reports