Integrate meta-seco-edgehog/x86_features
requested to merge integrate/meta-seco-edgehog/x86_features/into/kirkstone/develop into kirkstone/develop
[GRUB] Code cleanup
[RAUC] Remove comments
[GRUB] Remove comments
[RAUC] Fix typo errors
[edgehog][runtime] Add Hardware ID Service for x86
[RAUC] Add grub.conf only for x68
[GRUB] Correct grub boot script
[RAUC][BASE-FILES][FIX] Fix typo errors
[RAUC][CONFIG-INIT] Adapt to x86 boot environment
[EDGEHOG][INTEL][FSTAB] Add x86 support Add sda1 on /boot folder on fstab Splitted recipes ARM and X68 in Edgehog image
[EDGEHOG][INTEL] Add x86 boot support Add WKS for intel boards Add grub recipe for grubenv creation Create correct ramfs image
[LAYER] Select bootloader based on architecture Exclude grub from ARM architecture Exclude u-boot from x86 architecture