Integrate meta-seco-edgehog-embedded/kirkstone_next_2_0
[QEMU] add support for qemux86 and qemux86-64
Remove wic image types from build (for Edgehog Embedded, qemu can run the kernel directly and expose the filesystem directly from the ext4 image)
[QEMU] add support for qemuarm and qemuarm64
- remove wic image types for qemuarm* machines
- QEMU arm machines with poky BSP do not use u-boot in Embedded (they boot directly into kernel like raspberrypi)
To run qemu: runqemu <qemuboot.conf> slirp nographic serialstdio
[LAYERS] include meta-seco-edgehog
include meta-seco-edgehog in bblayers.conf
[RPI] add support for raspberrypi
- add wks template file for rpi
- add RPI to Yconfig_distro
[BBLAYERS] Place all SECO layers inside meta-seco root folder
All meta-seco-* layers have been placed inside meta-seco folder. In this way is easier to highlight the code base which composes and characterizes the Edgehog OS distro. All other layers from the third part have been leaved in the same layer as others.
[YCONFIG][RPI] Sign RPI machines compatible with Embedded DISTROs
Changed Yconfig_distro in order to make compatible this distro with RPI machines. Only Wayland, X11, XWayland have been enabled (no FB).