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Integrate meta-seco-edgehog-things/mind-update

Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@e814c8db

[SYSTEMD][TTYD] Launch a new session for each connection

Replaced -W command option in order to obtain a login session for each remote connection. With this settings we have:

SECO EDGEHOG Release Distro 4.0.5 seco-px30-d23 -

seco-px30-d23 login:


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@7187b37e

[SYSTEMD][TTYD] Launch ttyd for localhost only

This tool is actually used only by edgehog-device-runtime. For security reasons, edgehog-device-runtime acts as proxy for the remote terminal connection throught the Edgehog portal, and the tool is bound to the specific I/F localhost only.


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@c3b30bd2



Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@255e5d87

[TTYD][TOOL][SERVICE] Add tool and service for ttyd support

Bump ttyd @ 1.7.7. This is because ttyd has been added to support the remote connection via Edgehog portal, together edgehog-device-runtime. The "-W" command option is used and this last is supportend at least 1.7.6 version of ttyd.

for more info see:

The double tty folder has been removed.

The recipe has been splitted in two parts:

  • one ( for the support of the tool;
  • one (service-ttyd) for the addition of a service that launch at boot ttyd with the right command options.


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@e9420cf0

[IMAGE][LIBRARY] Add libsystemd-shared package

Edgehog-device-runtime needs of this set of libraries.


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@442ab0a6


These is the right version to use since it's the only compatible one with edgehog-device-runtime @ 0.8.1.


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@7cb974e3

[EDGEHOG-DEVICE-RUNTIME] Bump edgehog-hardware-id to latest version

Updated edgehog-hardware-id with the version 0.8.1 of edgehog-device-runtime.

Removed --frozen option in CARGO_BUILD since the Cargo.lock file is not updated and for a right compilation that file has to be created again staring from Cargo.toml file.


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@036607bf

[EDGEHOG-DEVICE-RUNTIME] Remove double variable assignment

Prepending of the same value in FILESEXTRAPATHS twice.


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@bc5f55d5

[EDGEHOG-DEVICE-RUNTIME] Add rust feature for message-hub support

The edgehog-device-runtime rust project requires

--features message-hub

in order to use the astarte-message-hub library to communicate with the remote Edgehog instance. This is because the default library used by the tool is astarte-device-sdk for a direct connection with the remote Edgehog instance.

Note: this last approach is deprecated inside Edgehog OS distribution.


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@ecf99e42

[MESSAGE-HUB] Add support for astarte-message-hub @ 0.5.4

The latest version 0.6.1 is not yet compatible with current version of edgehog-device-runtime in use (0.8.1). The right setting is:

  • astarte-message-hub @ 0.5.4
  • edgehog-device-runtime @ 0.8.1
  • astarte-interface @ 0.8.0


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@24558395

[LAYER][BBLAYERS] Fix layer dependency

meta-lts-rust-mixin appears as lts-rust-mixin in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS.


Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-edgehog-things@02b20ca7

[IOT][ASTARTE][RUST] Updated Astarte and Rauc

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