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Integrate meta-seco-edgehog-things/davc/device_runtime_update


[DISTRO BASE][EDGEHOG-DEVICE-RUNTIME] Bump version of tool at relase 0.7.0

Make relase 0.7.0 of Edgegho-Device-Runtime tool as default choice.



[EDGEHOG-DEVICE-RUNTIME] Add new verion 0.7.0

In this case we have added the newest recipe instead of replacing the already existing one. In this way we can support both versions and make one of them as default choice. This new setting is due to the fact that the release 0.7.0 has different management of astarte_sdk and we want to preserve also the old configuration of the Rust project (as history).



[EDGEHOG-DEVICE-RUNTIME] Specified version in use

the bb file of the recipe now has the version in use specified as suffix. This change has been done because in the future more than one version of the software will be present. In this way, a default version can be defined (via PREFERRED_VERSION variable).

In conf/distro/include/ is present the following variable:


which defines the version to use (actually 0.5.1).

Merge request reports
