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Integrate meta-seco-imx/linux-seco-imx/seco_lf-5.10.y_remove_logo_conflict

Commit: edgehog/layers/seco/meta-seco-imx@f58a06d2

Integrate linux-seco-imx/seco_lf-5.10.y_remove_logo_conflict


Commit: edgehog/bsp/nxp/linux-seco-imx@dae2d89b

[LOGO] Restored original boot logo management

Removed custom management of the logo that allowed to include into the kernel both SECO and EDGEHOG logos and select one of them via CONFIG setting in the menuconfig, because of possible conflicts in such management. Next step is to add the SECO logo as default. Note: the addition of the EDGEHOG (or custom) logo will be made directly via recipe, replacing the CLUT224 file with the required one.

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