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Integrate u-boot-seco-rk/seco_2017.09_next_SN65DSI84

Commit: edgehog/bsp/rockchip/u-boot-seco-rk@370e8d2f

[DRIVERS][SN65DSI84] Add Ti SN65DSI84 DSI to LVDS bridge driver

This is a simplified version of the Ti SN65DSI84 DSI to LVDS bridge driver. Support only external oscillator. The usage of DSI clock as reference clock is not supported


Commit: edgehog/bsp/rockchip/u-boot-seco-rk@440ed271

[DRIVERS][SN65DSI84] Add Ti SN65DSI84 DSI to LVDS bridge driver header file


Commit: edgehog/bsp/rockchip/u-boot-seco-rk@7f60ef54


Without the clock, it's not possible to execute the dsi transfer

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