[LICENSE] Add post-script to ask for NXP EULA acceptance
The variable:
is added to local.conf if the user accepts NXP EULA.
Example of configurator output:
yoctouser@ea44c639883c:~/workdir$ . ./seco-setup.sh -c
WARNING: no CONFIG_CLOUD_ASTARTE-URL found in the configuration.
WARNING: no CONFIG_CLOUD_ASTARTE-REALM found in the configuration.
WARNING: no CONFIG_CLOUD_ASTARTE-PAIRING-TOKEN found in the configuration.
WARNING: no RAUC found in the configuration.
WARNING: No SRCREV.conf found in meta-seco-imx for machine nxp-imx8mpevk.
WARNING: no SRCREV.conf files found. Not creating build_imx8mpevk/conf/SRCREV.conf.
Welcome to SECO BSP
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Your build environment has been configured with:
No post-script has been found in the layer meta-seco-clea-os.
Executing post-script 0001-nxp-eula-seco-imx-post-script.sh found in the layer meta-seco-imx
Some BSPs depend on libraries and packages which are covered by NXP's
End User License Agreement (EULA). To have the right to use these binaries in
your images, you need to read and accept the following...
Opening NXP EULA...
LA_OPT_NXP_Software_License v56 April 2024
IMPORTANT. Read the following NXP Software License Agreement ("Agreement")
completely. By selecting the "I Accept" button at the end of this page, or by
downloading, installing, or using the Licensed Software, you indicate that you
accept the terms of the Agreement, and you acknowledge that you have the
authority, for yourself or on behalf of your company, to bind your company to
these terms. You may then download or install the file. In the event of a
conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any license terms and
conditions for NXP’s proprietary software embedded anywhere in the Licensed
Software file, the terms of this Agreement shall control. If a separate
license agreement for the Licensed Software has been signed by you and NXP,
then that agreement shall govern your use of the Licensed Software and shall
supersede this Agreement.
This is a legal agreement between your employer, of which you are an authorized
representative, or, if you have no employer, you as an individual ("you" or
"Licensee"), and and NXP USA, Inc., if Licensee is located within the United
States or NXP Semiconductors Netherlands B.V., if Licensee if located outside
of the United States (“NXP”). It concerns your rights to use the software
Do you accept NXP's EULA? (yes/no) [default: yes]: y
The NXP EULA has been accepted.
Adding NXP EULA flag ACCEPT_FSL_EULA to local.conf.
yoctouser@ea44c639883c:~/workdir/build_imx8mpevk$ cat conf/local.conf | grep ^ACCEPT
Signed-off-by: Nicola Sparnacci nicola.sparnacci@seco.com
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