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[FLAVOUR] Add flavour feature configuration file

Nicola Sparnacci requested to merge nspa/flavour into scarthgap_kickoff

Update Yconfig_distro so that it's possible to add distros in a custom layer and make it selectable with menuconfig.

The choice statement has been moved to seco-base Yconfig_distro. An example of custom's Yconfig_distro:

config OS-DISTRO_DISTRO_clea-os-fb-xyz
	bool "CLEA OS with Framebuffer backend XYZ"
	depends on FLAVOUR_CLEAOS_clea-os && (HW_INTEL || HW_RK || HW_RPI || HW_QEMU)

Only one distro must be selectable.

Add conf/clea-os-features.conf. This file is used by the build configurator to double-check the local.conf to make sure that the configuration fulfills flavour's requirements. If a variable is set with different values in the local.conf and *features.conf the configurator raises an error.

Signed-off-by: Nicola Sparnacci

Merge request reports
