Integrate gitlab-ci/fix_deploy and 10 more
requested to merge integrate/gitlab-ci/fix_deploy/into/seco_lf-5.10.52_2.1.0 into seco_lf-5.10.52_2.1.0
[FIX] Bug fix on script syntax
[CUSTOM] Custom projects deploy to the same container
- Instead of using two containers all custom projects are deployed to the same container
[CUSTOM] Add dedicated Azure container for customs
- For custom project stable releases a dedicated container as been created
[INTEL] Integration of Elkhart Lake architecture
- Include config file for Elkhart Lake Intel processor
- Include embedded jobs also for Intel Apollo Lake processor
- Minor fix in check artifacts task
[NOTIFY] Fix on script execution syntax
[NOTIFY] Fix on bash script execution
[SYNTAX] Remove indentantion in bash script execution
[DEBUG] Add debug command in deploy_artifacts script
[DEBUG] Increase the level of debug
[DEBUG] Add variables echo
[DEPLOY] Fix on artifacts name assignment script