Integrate gitlab-ci/include_embedded_cache and 6 more
requested to merge integrate/gitlab-ci/include_embedded_cache/into/seco_lf-5.10.52_2.1.0 into seco_lf-5.10.52_2.1.0
[INTEL] Temporary removed Edgehog embedded image
- Waiting for a stable release of the Intel Apollo Lake distro --
[REPORT] Chaange path to changelog and build reports
- Add condition to use public container to store report when a tag occurs
[SSH] Remove SSH configs not necessary anymore
- The SSH key and configs are no more needed since migrated everything to https
[INTEL] Add support to Edgehog Embedded distro
- Adding support to Edgehog Embedded base and full image
[FIX] Change variable check on cache condition
[FIX] Fix on syntax
[CACHE] Set rule to use separate caches for things and embedded distros
- Separate caches folder to be used for the two distros
- Avoid using cache and downloads for tagged builds
- Reduce expiration policy of the build to 24 hours