Integrate gitlab-ci/edgehog_embedded and 16 more
requested to merge integrate/gitlab-ci/edgehog_embedded/into/seco/lf-5.10.52-2.1.0/develop into seco/lf-5.10.52-2.1.0/develop
[SSTATE] Fix on sstate permission
[SSTATE] Set different sstate for each CPU arch
- Each CPU processor is suggested to have a different sstate-cache folder
- The 'downloads' folder remains unique for all edgehog projects
[FILESYSTEM] Fix on filesystem deploy
- For Edgehog embedded images the fs was not deployed and so a fix was necessary
[DOCKER USER] Add docker user to edgehog group
- This is necessary to guarantee write access to edgehog folder in build server containing sstate and downloads caches
- Move env initizialization to .initenv
- Reduce build artifacts expiration time to 1 week
[FIX] Fix on syntax error
[YOCTO CACHE] Insert common sstate and downloads
- Insert in the local.conf the reference to a common sstate and downloads folder containing the sstate-cache and downloads to speed up Yocto build (see
- The folders are loaded as volume in the Docker image by the dedicated runner
[FIX] Fix bug in case structure
[FIX] Bug fix on case structure for link report
[PATH CHANGE] Changing path for weekly release
- The artifacts from the weekly release are deployed in an Azure folder referring to the week of the year
- Change name of the job and link report so that they refer to the IMAGE_NAME variable insead of RECIPE_NAME
- Full edgehog image is now built as the other on a weekly schedule
- Fix on link report for Apollo Lake products
[FIX] Fix on filesystem artifact name
- The filesystem artifact name now match the image name
- Fix on artifacts name from build and deploy stage
[FIX] Insert missing occurrencies of RECIPE_NAME
- Insert further variable inheritance for edgehog-embedded jobs
- Insert echo messages for debug
[FIX] Fix on artifacts path
[FIX] Fix on Link_report for release stage
- Fix also on artifacts name construction
[REPORT NAME] Fix on name of the job/link REPORT
- The fix introduce the RECIPE_NAME variable in the job/link log name, necessary when compiling also embedded distro
[FS DEPLOY] Insert fs deploy to Azure
- Change "edgehog-base-image" label to "edgehog-things-image" one
- Fix on intel_apl config file
- Fix on AZURE_PATH variable (the edgehog folder is necessary for the public container release)
[FIX] Bug fix in deploy stage
[CICD] Add edgehog embedded images build jobs
- Insert edgehog embedded build/deploy for base and full image for supported boards
- Full image shall be built only when a tag occurs
- Remove c43 and c26 config files (not yet supported)
- Fix on Link_report.txt