Integrate gitlab-ci/layers-integration and 9 more
requested to merge integrate/gitlab-ci/layers-integration/into/seco/lf-5.10.52-2.1.0/develop into seco/lf-5.10.52-2.1.0/develop
Comment out rockchip integration for testing purpose
- Partial testing of correct NXP repository integration
Insert file
- The script is a direct derivation of the original one and can be merged in a near future
- The script search for the latest updated MR in the project repository to retrieve the source branch
- Then merge the MR on the layer project according to the recontructed integration branch
Include ''
- This commit adds the script to check if the integration branch is up-to-date on the layer side
- Very few modification with respect to the original script
- The script can be merged with the original one in the near future
Include script
- The script is derived from the integrate_into_manifest file and is used to create the integration branch on layers
- The script create a new branch with the modifications on the SRCREV.conf indicated as parameter and on the bitbake recipe indicated
- In a future this file could be merged with the integrate_inot_manifest one
Include layers-integration.yml file
- The file is intended to contain all the automation tasks to be executed by the projects used in the Yocto layers
- The steps are the main steps that this CI file contains:
- Every time a MR is opened on a project an integration branch is opened on the layer which updates the SHA of the commit on the 'conf/SRCREV.conf' file referring to correct bb recipe
- A MR is automatically opened on the layer master branch, that triggers all the downstream job of the manifest-integration file, which is left untouched
- A check job checks that the layer project branch is up-to-date with the commit revision
- Once the MR is accepted on the project, the one in the layer is merged and closed by default after having tried a rebase.
- Minor bug fix on gitlab-ci.yml file
Bug fix on python script execution
Bug fix on yaml syntax
Insert new script for .gitlab-ci submodule integration
- The script is identical to the 'scripts/' apart from the fact that does look for a manifest project to integrate/merge
- In the future the two scripts may be merged to treat both cases correctly, for now we skip this part
- The .gitlab-ci submodule is added also to other groups (those containing kernel, uboot, etc.) so it is necessary to create an integration branch also them
- The variable is necessary when the GitBot will be given access to sveral groups to restrict the search for the manifest repository
- Add --verbose option and other debug stuff in merge job