Integrate meta-seconorth-dual-espresso/add_qt-multi-screen-compositor
qt-multi-screen-compositor: Add systemd service for fingerpaint
Modified qt-multi-screen-compositor service to run as root user. Added systemd services for fingerpaint and fingerpaint2 to run fingerpaint on both screens using the IVI shell extension.
BCS 746-000748
qt-multi-screen-compositor: Cleanup tabs
qt-multi-screen-compositor: Touch rotation and output mapping
Rotate the evdev touch events by setting the following Qt environment var: QT_QPA_EVDEV_TOUCHSCREEN_PARAMETERS=rotate=180 The touch to output mapping is now done by a udev rule which dynamically modifies the kms.conf file by setting the corresponding event name. This is required because links to /dev/input/event* files are not evaluated by evdev. Futher, setting hardcoded events in kms.conf is not possible because devices are not always mapped to the same /dev/input/event* file.
BCS 746-000748
wayland: Add qt-multi-screen-compositor
- Added recipe, start script and configuration file
- Removed guf-show-demo apps
- Masked weston autostart
- Added qt-multi-screen-compositor to image
- Touch and Display rotation is incorrect at the moment
BCS 746-000748