diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/boot.script b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/boot.script
index 25c86d15dc68f79431d656d46b022cd779055811..aa0becb02bd226bd8f1f9a6727c58a198a2fd93b 100644
--- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/boot.script
+++ b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/boot.script
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ fi
 # Regular Boot
-test -n "${BOOT_ORDER}" || setenv BOOT_ORDER "recover A B"
-test -n "${BOOT_recover_LEFT}" || setenv BOOT_recover_LEFT 3
-test -n "${BOOT_A_LEFT}" || setenv BOOT_A_LEFT 3
-test -n "${BOOT_B_LEFT}" || setenv BOOT_B_LEFT 3
+test -n "${BOOT_ORDER}" || setenv BOOT_ORDER "alternative regular regularB"
+test -n "${BOOT_alternative_LEFT}" || setenv BOOT_alternative_LEFT 3
+test -n "${BOOT_regular_LEFT}" || setenv BOOT_regular_LEFT 3
+test -n "${BOOT_regularB_LEFT}" || setenv BOOT_regularB_LEFT 3
 setenv ramdisk
 setenv bootargs
@@ -66,19 +66,19 @@ setenv TMP_BOOT_ORDER ${BOOT_ORDER}
 seco_ne bootselect
 if test "${bootmode_gpio}" = "alternative"; then
-    setenv TMP_BOOT_ORDER "recover A B"
+    setenv TMP_BOOT_ORDER "alternative regular regularB"
 for BOOT_SLOT in "${TMP_BOOT_ORDER}"; do
     if test "x${bootargs}" != "x"; then
         # Skip remaining slots
-    elif test "x${BOOT_SLOT}" = "xrecover"; then
-        if test 0x${BOOT_recover_LEFT} -gt 0; then
-            echo "Found valid slot recover, ${BOOT_recover_LEFT} attempts remaining"
+    elif test "x${BOOT_SLOT}" = "xalternative"; then
+        if test 0x${BOOT_alternative_LEFT} -gt 0; then
+            echo "Found valid slot alternative, ${BOOT_alternative_LEFT} attempts remaining"
             # @TODO: Reset the BOOT_LEFT variable from
             # the OS via a Systemd service unit and reactivate
             # the boot counter here (also for slots A and B).
-            #setexpr BOOT_recover_LEFT ${BOOT_recover_LEFT} - 1
+            #setexpr BOOT_alternative_LEFT ${BOOT_alternative_LEFT} - 1
             setenv ramdisk "-"
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ for BOOT_SLOT in "${TMP_BOOT_ORDER}"; do
             setenv ramdisk "${ramdisk_addr_r}:${filesize}"
             fatload mmc 0:3 ${fdt_addr_r} ${fdtfile}
-            setenv bootargs "${default_bootargs} root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rauc.slot=recover"
+            setenv bootargs "${default_bootargs} root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rauc.slot=alternative"
-    elif test "x${BOOT_SLOT}" = "xA"; then
-        if test 0x${BOOT_A_LEFT} -gt 0; then
-            echo "Found valid slot A, ${BOOT_A_LEFT} attempts remaining"
-            #setexpr BOOT_A_LEFT ${BOOT_A_LEFT} - 1
+    elif test "x${BOOT_SLOT}" = "xregular"; then
+        if test 0x${BOOT_regular_LEFT} -gt 0; then
+            echo "Found valid slot regular, ${BOOT_regular_LEFT} attempts remaining"
+            #setexpr BOOT_regular_LEFT ${BOOT_regular_LEFT} - 1
             ${storage} dev ${storage_dev}
             part start ${storage} ${storage_dev} kernel kernel_part_addr
@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ for BOOT_SLOT in "${TMP_BOOT_ORDER}"; do
             env exists boot_conf || setenv boot_conf "${fdt_boot_conf}"
-            setenv bootargs "${default_bootargs} root=PARTLABEL=ROOTFS rootwait rauc.slot=A"
+            setenv bootargs "${default_bootargs} root=PARTLABEL=ROOTFS rootwait rauc.slot=regular"
-    elif test "x${BOOT_SLOT}" = "xB"; then
-        if test 0x${BOOT_B_LEFT} -gt 0; then
-            echo "Found valid slot B, ${BOOT_B_LEFT} attempts remaining"
-            #setexpr BOOT_B_LEFT ${BOOT_B_LEFT} - 1
+    elif test "x${BOOT_SLOT}" = "xregularB"; then
+        if test 0x${BOOT_regularB_LEFT} -gt 0; then
+            echo "Found valid slot regularB, ${BOOT_regularB_LEFT} attempts remaining"
+            #setexpr BOOT_regularB_LEFT ${BOOT_regularB_LEFT} - 1
             # @TODO: Load artefacts and set bootargs for B
@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ if test -n "${bootargs}"; then
     echo "No valid slot found, resetting attempts to 3"
-    setenv BOOT_recover_LEFT 3
-    setenv BOOT_A_LEFT 3
-    setenv BOOT_B_LEFT 3
+    setenv BOOT_alternative_LEFT 3
+    setenv BOOT_regular_LEFT 3
+    setenv BOOT_regularB_LEFT 3