FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" do_compile:append() { # Integrate fw_env.config and u-boot-initial-env cp "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/u-boot-initial-env-${MACHINE}-${UBOOT_CONFIG}.bin" "${S}" cp "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/fw_env-${MACHINE}-${UBOOT_CONFIG}.config" "${S}" cd ${S} for target in ${IMXBOOT_TARGETS}; do # Store an md5sum to check the files on target before installation md5sum ${BOOT_CONFIG_MACHINE}-${target} \ u-boot-initial-env-${MACHINE}-${UBOOT_CONFIG}.bin \ fw_env-${MACHINE}-${UBOOT_CONFIG}.config \ > ${BOOT_CONFIG_MACHINE}-${target}.md5 done cd - } do_deploy:append() { for target in ${IMXBOOT_TARGETS}; do # Create a tar from the bootfiles, compressed gz, dereference links (copy the file not the link into the tar) cd ${S} tar chzf ${DEPLOYDIR}/${BOOT_CONFIG_MACHINE}-${target}.tar.gz \ ${BOOT_CONFIG_MACHINE}-${target} \ ${BOOT_CONFIG_MACHINE}-${target}.md5 \ u-boot-initial-env-${MACHINE}-${UBOOT_CONFIG}.bin \ fw_env-${MACHINE}-${UBOOT_CONFIG}.config cd - cd ${DEPLOYDIR} ln -sf ${BOOT_CONFIG_MACHINE}-${target}.tar.gz ${BOOT_NAME}.tar.gz cd - done }