diff --git a/build-pipeline.yml b/build-pipeline.yml
index 451a187c9cedeee3c150a2b33906c50dd68aaab7..010fff1e1876f63945277fe247adb770937234af 100644
--- a/build-pipeline.yml
+++ b/build-pipeline.yml
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ workflow:
   # Install script location is needed in test job
+  - if [[ ! -z "${INSTALL_SCRIPT}" ]]; then
   - echo "FNG_INSTALL_URL=${FNG_INSTALL_URL}" >> build.env
+  - fi
   # Machine and supported hardware are needed for Confluence release page
   - echo "MACHINE=${MACHINE}" >> build.env
diff --git a/manifest-pipeline-ci-test.yml b/manifest-pipeline-ci-test.yml
index 14ce3e7ed7125072f60cb48f7834617fda1363fb..5d2f68334f82a50b8830796d44d93156586fad0f 100644
--- a/manifest-pipeline-ci-test.yml
+++ b/manifest-pipeline-ci-test.yml
@@ -99,3 +99,5 @@ sdk-simulation-pipeline:
     ARTIFACTS_PATH: build-*/tmp/deploy/sdk/*
     MANUAL_BUILD: "true"
     PACKAGE_TYPE: sdk
+    CONFLUENCE_PARENT_ID: 1615560743
diff --git a/manifest-pipeline-yocto.yml b/manifest-pipeline-yocto.yml
index 6424e5a257a5ba33d3b511abb152902f665afe8f..9d5c669a6a1454e255f7150f4876389e6ffa294a 100644
--- a/manifest-pipeline-yocto.yml
+++ b/manifest-pipeline-yocto.yml
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ variables:
     AZURE_TARGET_FOLDER: HMI/Linux-Yocto/Releases
     AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME: seco-ne-public
+    CONFLUENCE_PARENT_ID: 1479573518
@@ -64,8 +66,6 @@ yocto-pipeline:
     PACKAGE_TYPE: image
     TEST_STAGE: "true"
-    CONFLUENCE_PARENT_ID: 1479573518
     ALPHAPLAN_STAGE: "true"
diff --git a/scripts/collect_release_information.py b/scripts/collect_release_information.py
index bfbe5837b108d4fce2ceb8845a9059e9aaf711ef..6e44a68d4374716fb49b8a7bd841c0196aa9399f 100755
--- a/scripts/collect_release_information.py
+++ b/scripts/collect_release_information.py
@@ -6,10 +6,15 @@ import tempfile
 from gitlab import GitlabGetError
 from gitlab.client import Gitlab
-from gitlab.v4.objects import Project, ProjectPipelineJob
+from gitlab.v4.objects import (
+    Project,
+    ProjectPipelineJob,
+    ProjectPipelineVariableManager,
 import common
 from download_job_artifacts import download_job_artifact
+from get_parent_pipeline import get_parent_pipeline
 from get_pipeline_jobs import get_pipeline_jobs
@@ -65,6 +70,47 @@ def add_suffix_to_dict_keys(dictionary: dict, suffix: str):
     return {f"{key}{suffix}": dictionary[key] for key in dictionary}
+def get_pipeline_variable_value(variables: ProjectPipelineVariableManager, key: str):
+    """Lookup a ProjectPipelineVariable in a list by its key and return its value
+    Args:
+        variables: list of variables
+        key: key of the variable to lookup
+    Returns:
+        Value
+    """
+    try:
+        variable = next(
+            (variable for variable in variables.list() if variable.key == key)
+        )
+    except StopIteration:
+        return None
+    return variable.value
+def merge_variables(first: dict[str, str], second: dict[str, str]) -> dict[str, str]:
+    """Merge two dictionaries of variables. If a variable exists in both dictionaries
+       and one value is not already contained in the other, concatenate its values with
+       a space in between.
+    Args:
+        first: a dictionary containing variables
+        secondary: a dictionary containing variables
+    Returns:
+        A dictionary containing merged variables
+    """
+    merged = first
+    for key in second:
+        if key not in first or first[key] in second[key]:
+            merged[key] = second[key]
+        elif second[key] not in first[key]:
+            merged[key] = f"{first[key]} {second[key]}"
+    return merged
 def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, usage="%(prog)s [OPTIONS]")
@@ -108,53 +154,87 @@ def main():
     gitlab = Gitlab(args.gitlab_url, private_token=args.token)
     project = common.get_project(gitlab, args.project)
-    variables = {}
+    pipeline = project.pipelines.get(args.pipeline, retry_transient_errors=True)
-    # Get all successful jobs from deploy stage
-    deploy_jobs = get_pipeline_jobs(
-        gitlab, project, args.pipeline, stage=args.deploy_stage
+    # Get Confluence configuration of given pipeline
+    confluence_parent_id = get_pipeline_variable_value(
+        pipeline.variables, "CONFLUENCE_PARENT_ID"
-    successful_deploy_jobs = [job for job in deploy_jobs if job.status == "success"]
-    if not successful_deploy_jobs:
-        exit(f"ERROR: no successful jobs found in stage '{args.deploy_stage}'")
-    # Get all jobs from build stage
-    build_jobs = get_pipeline_jobs(gitlab, project, args.pipeline, stage="Build")
-    for deploy_job in successful_deploy_jobs:
-        # Get job suffix after first "-" of the job name
-        job_suffix = f"{deploy_job.name[deploy_job.name.find('-'):]}"
-        # Find build job with same suffix
-        build_job = None
-        for job in build_jobs:
-            if job.name.endswith(job_suffix):
-                build_job = job
-        # Get variables from both jobs
-        job_env_variables = get_job_env_variables(
-            gitlab, project, deploy_job, "deploy.env"
-        )
-        if build_job:
-            job_env_variables |= get_job_env_variables(
-                gitlab, project, build_job, "build.env"
+    confluence_space = get_pipeline_variable_value(
+        pipeline.variables, "CONFLUENCE_SPACE"
+    )
+    # Get all parallel child pipelines with the same Confluence configuration
+    pipelines = []
+    parent_pipeline = get_parent_pipeline(project, pipeline)
+    if parent_pipeline:
+        for bridge in parent_pipeline.bridges.list(all=True):
+            child_pipeline = project.pipelines.get(
+                bridge.downstream_pipeline["id"], retry_transient_errors=True
+            if (
+                get_pipeline_variable_value(
+                    child_pipeline.variables, "CONFLUENCE_PARENT_ID"
+                )
+                == confluence_parent_id
+                and get_pipeline_variable_value(
+                    child_pipeline.variables, "CONFLUENCE_SPACE"
+                )
+                == confluence_space
+            ):
+                pipelines.append(child_pipeline)
-        # Append job suffix to the variables
-        variables |= add_suffix_to_dict_keys(
-            job_env_variables, job_suffix.replace("-", "_")
+    # Loop over all found pipelines and combine build and deploy variables from them
+    variables = {}
+    for pipeline in pipelines:
+        pipeline_variables = {}
+        print(f"Getting jobs from pipeline {pipeline.web_url}", file=sys.stderr)
+        # Get all successful jobs from deploy stage
+        deploy_jobs = get_pipeline_jobs(
+            gitlab, project, pipeline.id, stage=args.deploy_stage
+        successful_deploy_jobs = [job for job in deploy_jobs if job.status == "success"]
+        if not successful_deploy_jobs:
+            print(
+                f"No successful jobs found in stage '{args.deploy_stage}'",
+                file=sys.stderr,
+            )
-        # Furthermore merge all machine-specific values into one space-separated
-        # variable.
-        for name in job_env_variables:
-            if job_env_variables[name]:
-                variables[name] = (
-                    f"{variables[name]} {job_env_variables[name]}"
-                    if name in variables and variables[name] != job_env_variables[name]
-                    else job_env_variables[name]
+        # Get all jobs from build stage
+        build_jobs = get_pipeline_jobs(gitlab, project, pipeline.id, stage="Build")
+        for deploy_job in successful_deploy_jobs:
+            # Get job suffix after first "-" of the job name
+            job_suffix = f"{deploy_job.name[deploy_job.name.find('-'):]}"
+            # Find build job with same suffix
+            build_job = None
+            for job in build_jobs:
+                if job.name.endswith(job_suffix):
+                    build_job = job
+            # Get variables from both jobs
+            job_env_variables = get_job_env_variables(
+                gitlab, project, deploy_job, "deploy.env"
+            )
+            if build_job:
+                job_env_variables |= get_job_env_variables(
+                    gitlab, project, build_job, "build.env"
+            # Append job suffix to the variables
+            pipeline_variables |= add_suffix_to_dict_keys(
+                job_env_variables, job_suffix.replace("-", "_")
+            )
+            # Furthermore merge all machine-specific values into one space-separated
+            # variable.
+            pipeline_variables = merge_variables(pipeline_variables, job_env_variables)
+        variables = merge_variables(variables, pipeline_variables)
     # Print all variables in a shell compatible form
     for k, v in sorted(variables.items()):
diff --git a/scripts/get_parent_pipeline.py b/scripts/get_parent_pipeline.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a7cbeb7bb58c0010f1d0c7fb4a245ddff2a09ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/get_parent_pipeline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+from typing import Union
+from gitlab.client import Gitlab
+from gitlab.v4.objects import Project, ProjectPipeline
+import common
+def get_parent_pipeline(
+    project: Project, pipeline: ProjectPipeline
+) -> Union[ProjectPipeline, None]:
+    """Get the parent pipeline within the same project
+    Args:
+        pipeline: Pipeline to get the parent of
+    Returns:
+        Parent pipeline if found, None else
+    """
+    # Get all pipelines for the same ref
+    pipelines = project.pipelines.list(ref=pipeline.ref, get_all=True)
+    # Browse through all pipelines and check if given pipeline is a child pipeline of it
+    for p in pipelines:
+        for bridge in p.bridges.list():
+            if bridge.downstream_pipeline["id"] == pipeline.id:
+                return p
+    # Else return nothing
+    return None
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--gitlab-url",
+        help="""URL to the GitLab instance""",
+        dest="gitlab_url",
+        default=common.GITLAB_URL,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--token",
+        help="""GitLab REST API private access token""",
+        dest="token",
+        required=True,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--project",
+        help="""name of the GitLab project""",
+        dest="project",
+        required=True,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--pipeline",
+        help="""Pipeline to get parent pipeline of""",
+        dest="pipeline",
+        required=True,
+    )
+    args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
+    gitlab = Gitlab(args.gitlab_url, private_token=args.token)
+    project = gitlab.projects.get(args.project)
+    pipeline = project.pipelines.get(args.pipeline)
+    parent_pipeline = get_parent_pipeline(project, pipeline)
+    if not parent_pipeline:
+        exit("No parent pipeline found")
+    print(parent_pipeline.web_url)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()