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Commit: clea-os/infrastructure/gitlab-ci@deb4e4d7

[CICD][INTEGRATION] Workaround submodule init error and fix logging output order

  Sometimes, during deployment, GitLab-CI changes result in an error message
  in the logs. This occurs when a submodule reference points to a commit
  that no longer exists in the submodule repository.

  This can happen when the commit history in the submodule is rewritten,
  causing the reference hash to become invalid.

  However, this does not cause actual problems, for deployment process,
  as the reference was going to be updated anyway.

  - Changed this error message to a warning instead.
  - Enabled automatic STDOUT flushing to ensure consistent output ordering
     when `print()` and `logging` are used simultaneously.
  - Included a fix from YT-160, which addresses a different problem
     also related to deploy ci changes and may be useful.
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